Here are the fabric choices you may choose from for our clothing. We have tried to properly represent them, but some of the fabrics still look a little grainy or "wavy", or colors may look slightly different depending on differences in computer settings and monitors. If you would like to see a swatch of a specific fabric before ordering, just send us a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your request, and we will get that to you.

       To specify a particular fabric to order for your garment, please use the letter code beside the fabric you would like. For our more expensive fabrics, we have added a small surcharge to the regular cost of the garment. This is indicated by asterisks(**) following the letter code of the fabric. If you choose one of these fabrics, please select to add the surcharge shown under each garment.
Fabric and dye lot of fabric are subject to change without notice.

Fabric Choices

 MPP Darker purple rose vines on purple. 100% cotton calico.
 LBTF Purple daisies and butterflies on mottled beige background. Poly/cotton.
 LST** Solid Thistle Linen. High-quality Robert Kaufman 55% linen, 45% rayon.
 BPR** Purple buds on black lattice. High-quality 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CSP Enough left for 1 Girls Dress
Purple floral on lighter purple background. Poly/cotton.
There is only enough left for a small Girls Dress or Skirt.
 LK Lilac Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 GUGP Dusty purple daisy floral. Poly/cotton.
 VPV Vine floral on lighter purple squares background. Poly/cotton.
 ATL Small roses, daisies and dots on lighter amethyst. Grandma's Attic Cotton calico.
 GPD Tiny purple and lilac daisy floral on very dark navy/purple background. Poly/cotton.
 GUPL Purple and fuscia daisies on amethyst purple background. Poly/cotton.
There is only enough left for a small Girls Dress or Skirt.
 AMK Solid amethyst Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 MGP Pink roses and tossed flowers on purple background. Cotton calico.
 PK Solid purple Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 MLP Purple roses and green leaves on white. Cotton calico.
 PRS Tiny 1/16" purple and white seersucker check. Robert Kaufman Poly/cotton.
 MDT** Purple boquets on lighter background. High-quality Cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 GPU Darker purple daisy print on dusty lilac. Poly/cotton.
 DPL** Dark purple solid linen. High-quality Robert Kaufman 55% linen/45% rayon.
 GPZ Daisy print on lighter rose background. Poly/cotton.
There is enough left one Dress.
 GTR Tiny pink roses and daisies floral on lighter rose background. Poly/cotton linen weave.
 GBFL Light pink and lilac floral with green leaves on creamy background with outlines etched in gold metallic. 100% Cotton High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 ATR Small roses, daisies and dots on pink. Grandma's Attic Cotton calico.
 AL** Pink roses lattice on winter white. High-quality 100% Cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CSR Pink floral on lighter pink background. Poly/cotton.
 PCH Peachy pink floral. Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 ABP Pink butterflies and aqua floral calico. 100% cotton calico.
 SVPP Pink mini daisies on light pink. 100% high-quality combed cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 GBN Small light pink flowers on dark plum floral. Poly/cotton.
 BOK Solid Blossom pink kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 GMP White and rose floral on pink. 100% high-quality cotton.
 GML White and periwinkle floral on pink. 100% high-quality cotton.
 SVBR** Tiny pink daisies on lighter brown background. High-quality 100% Combed cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 BDP Pink daisies on white. Poly/cotton.
 DFA Apples and daisies vintage-style floral on pink. High-quality combed cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 DFP Pink, blue and yellow vintage-style floral on white. High-quality combed cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 DDP Roses and daisies on lighter pink. 100% high-quality combed cotton.
 TOP Light pink tonal floral on pink. Cotton calico.
 WFLC Roses and wildflowers on cream. Cotton calico. Shown at about 70% of actual size.
 SPCC Wild roses and blue daisies on cream. Cotton calico.
 PSS Tiny 1/16" pink and white seersucker check. Poly/cotton.
 PF Old-fashioned pink calico on pink. 100% Cotton.
 MG3 Roses and daisies on winter white background. Cotton calico.
 MDP Flower clusters on pink. Cotton calico.
 PCD** Rainbow colored polka dots on brighter pink background. High-quality fine wale 100% cotton corduroy by Robert Kaufman.
 CHCD** Chocolate brown polka dots on lighter blush pink background. High-quality fine wale 100% cotton corduroy by Robert Kaufman.
 CLDP** Pink, olive green and yellow daisy flowers on white. High-quality 100% cotton corduroy by Robert Kaufman.
 PLL Deep rose clusters and daisies on white. 100% Cotton Calico.
 HPLD Lighter and darker pink plaid. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% Cotton. This fabric has a smoother feel like a pima cotton.
 PCTP Tiny rose colored daisies on lighter rose background. Poly/cotton.
 ATDP Tiny daisies on rose pink. Grandma's Attic Cotton calico.
 RK Solid wood rose pink Kona. Robert Kaufman cotton.
 GNK Pink daisy print on lighter pink. Poly/cotton.
 PLBF Daisies and butterflies on mottled rose background. Poly/cotton.
 CHBA Cheery blossoms and cherries on cherry pink. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size. High-quality 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CHBW Cheery blossoms and cherries on cherry winter white. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size. High-quality 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 QTPK** Pink and burgundy daisies on lighter pink background. High-quality quilter's cotton.
 MMLP White blossoms on rose. cotton calico. High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 SBFL Lighter and darker blue floral on winter white background with outlines etched in silver metallic. Coordinates with butterfly fabric, below. 100% Cotton High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 SMR Sunflowers, daisies and pink tulips on sky blue background. High-quality cotton by Robert Kaufman..
 PT** Solid pacific blue cotton twill by Robert Kaufman.
 CLDB** Blue, olive green and yellow daisy flowers on white. High-quality 100% cotton corduroy by Robert Kaufman.
 CSB Blue floral on lighter blue background. Poly/cotton.
 DFBL Blue and yellow vintage-style floral on white. High-quality combed cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 RB Solid marine blue Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 BLWT Blue rose clusters on tea-stained background. Cotton calico.
 GRD Tiny blue daisy floral on royal blue background. Poly/cotton.
 ATBD Tiny daisies on blue. Grandma's Attic Cotton calico.
 STCB Strawberry print on blue and natural diagnal patchwork. High-quality printed kona cotton by Robert Kaufman. Shown at about 50% of actual size.
 STSB Strawberry print on blue and natural stripes. High-quality printed kona cotton by Robert Kaufman. Shown at about 50% of actual size.
 STCG Strawberry print on green and natural diagnal patchwork. High-quality printed kona cotton by Robert Kaufman. Shown at about 50% of actual size.
 STSG Strawberry print on green and natural stripes. High-quality printed kona cotton by Robert Kaufman. Shown at about 50% of actual size.
 LSF** Solid Fog Blue Linen. High-quality Robert Kaufman 55% linen, 45% rayon.
 LSD** Solid Denim Blue Linen. High-quality Robert Kaufman 55% linen, 45% rayon.
 TRB Tiny blue, yellow and orange rosebuds on white. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 CB Solid cornflower blue Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 ABY Pink blossoms on blue. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 GUBL Dusty blue floral on lighter blue. Poly/cotton.
 SEGC** Vintage blue rose boquets on off white background with natural flecks. High-quality fine 100% Cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 QTFB** Blue daisies on lighter blue. High-quality quilter's cotton.
 BBNY** Tiny pink flowers and bunnies on blue. Robert Kaufman.
  MMB Blue roses and green vines on white. Cotton calico.
 LGB Tiny blue and ecru rosebuds in a lattice pattern on creamy background. High-quality cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 BSS** Small 1/8" blue and white seersucker checks. High-qualtity Robert Kaufman Poly/Coton.
 MGA Blue floral on winter white. 100% Cotton calico.
 BDZB Blue daisy bunches. Cotton calico.
 MGB Blue roses and tossed flowers on blue. Cotton calico.
 GMB Blue floral on lighter sky blue background. 100% high-quality cotton.
 JBM White and lighter blue floral on darker blue. 100% cotton calico.
 STK Solid slate blue Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 CFB Blue tonal floral on blue. Cotton calico.
 GTW Small blue floral. Poly/cotton.
 MPSL Darker paisleys on lighter teal blue/green. 100% Cotton calico.
 NBR Blue roses on navy blue background. Cotton calico.
  DBK Solid dresden blue Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
  BLCC Blue and white tiny chambray checks. High-quality 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CCF Tiny blue calico. 100% cotton calico.
 MDB Flower clusters on blue. Cotton calico.
 LBD Medium blue light-weight washed denim. Robert Kaufman 6.5 oz. Cotton.
 BD Light-weight washed navy denim. Robert Kaufman 6.5 oz. Cotton.
 CABB Black chambray with tiny polkadots. High-quality 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 SFCL** Black chambray with floral print. High-quality 100% Cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CHIN Medium blue indigo chambray. High-quality 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 QTI Indigo Blue Chambray dobby. 100% high-quality cotton.
 QTD Denim Blue Chambray dobby. 100% high-quality cotton.
 QTS Light Blue Chambray dobby. 100% high-quality cotton.
 IND** Medium weight indigo denim dobby. Robert Kaufman 100% Cotton.
 CHBB** Black floral chambray. Shown at about 50% of actual size. High-quality poly/cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CHBL** Blue floral chambray. Shown at about 50% of actual size. High-quality poly/cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CWKB** Blue bicycles and floral on blue chambray. Shown at about 70% of actual size. High-quality poly/cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 CHMB** Medium blue wild flower floral on blue chambray. High-quality poly/cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 GTD Tiny teal blue daisy floral on dark teal background. Poly/cotton.
 ATBR Tiny navy daisies and blue dots on blue. Grandma's Attic Cotton calico.
 BRW Blue, white and navy plaid seersucker. 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 GNN Small navy blue floral. Poly/cotton.
 GLN Lighter blue on navy floral. Poly/cotton.
 NK Solid navy Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 MGN Pink roses and tossed flowers on navy. Cotton Calico.
 NVL** Solid navy linen. High-quality Robert Kaufman 55% linen, 45% rayon.
 BRI Blue, white and navy seersucker checks. 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 HLB Blue floral and sprigs on darker blue. 100% high-quality cotton.
 HLW Blue floral on winer white. 100% cotton calico.
 BK Cadet blue Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
  BFB Old fashioned pink roses calico on blue. Cotton calico.
 TOPR Lighter periwinkle tonal floral. 100% Cotton calico.
 CZD Dusty blue ditzy Summer floral with blue stripes. High-quality 100% cotton. Shown at about 50% of actual size.
 OLW** Very tiny blue and white woven check. This is a heavier 100% Cotton, as thick as a light-weight denim.
 BHRT Pink hearts on blue calico. 100% cotton calico.
 SYS Dusty teal and white windowpane plaid by Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 GYD Tiny burgundy daisy floral on dark burgundy background. Poly/cotton.
 FPBU Dusty rose and burgundy floral on white. Cotton calico.
 BUK Solid burgundy Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 BGR Burgundy rosebuds floral with olive green leaves on vintage tea-stained background. 100% Cotton calico.
 BUB Red, white and black plaid. Poly/Cotton.
 BFM Burgundy and hunter green floral on winter white. High-quality 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 LOR Bright roses and daisies floral. 100% Cotton calico.
 CLDL** Red, lime green and white daisy flowers on lighter lime green. High-quality 100% cotton corduroy by Robert Kaufman.
 RAPL Red and pink apples and polkadots on white. Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 RLL Red roses calico on white. 100% cotton calico.
 MG9 Pink roses calico on red. 100% cotton.
 FARM Farm print with barnyard friends and lots more! Cotton calico, shown at about 1/3 of actual size. (measure tape is shown at bottom for size reference) This is the fabric we use for our "Farm Dress".
 SSC Coral and white seersucker check. Robert Kaufman Poly/cotton.
 SMRM** Summer print with Monarch butterflies, caterpillars, lady bugs and much, much more! Cotton calico, shown at about 50% of actual size. This fabric can be used for our "Farm Dress", or for any other dress of your choice.
 MG1 Pink roses and blue flowers on darker a creamy background. 100% Cotton Calico.
 YDZY White daisies on yellow background. High-quality 100% cotton.
 KTY** Kitty's Garden. High-quality 100% cotton. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
 MDY Flower clusters on yellow. Cotton calico.
 YLW Yellow rose clusters on white. Cotton calico.
 YF Old-fashioned floral on yellow background. Cotton calico.
 YLK Light yellow Kona cotton by Robert Kaufman cotton. This coordinates nicely with all our yellow calico prints.
 MYP Yellow roses and vines on lighter yellow. 100% Cotton calico.
 KCWN** Larger brown and natural plaid by Robert Kaufman. High-quality cotton.
 NAK Natural Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 NL** Natural linen. 55% linen, 45% rayon. High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 RN Natural floral print on natural. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 NSP Natural, brown and olive green stripes. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 ML** Moss brown solid linen. 55% linen, 45% rayon. High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 QTN Natural / light brown Chambray dobby. 100% high-quality cotton.
 QTB Brown Chambray dobby. 100% high-quality cotton.
 KSS** Tiny 1/16" khaki brown and white seersucker check. Poly/cotton.
 CFN Natural tonal floral. 100% Cotton calico.
 SSB Brown, tan and white seersucker stripes. 100% cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 PCTT Tiny brown daisies on lighter tan background. Poly/cotton.
 BRK Solid brown Kona Cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 BNBF Brown butterfly calico on winter white. 100% cotton calico.
 FOGC Brown tonal floral. 100% cotton calico.
 CFC Brown tonal floral. 100% Cotton calico.
 CBK Solid cobblestone (medium) brown Kona cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 KKA** Brown and aqua plaid by Robert Kaufman. High-quality cotton.
 SPCB Roses and daisies on medium brown cotton calico.
 CTC** Dark and lighter chocolate brown plaid. Yarn-dyed 100% cotton. High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 SVCP Pink floral on dark espresso brown. High-quality 100% combed cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 ESK Solid esspresso (dark) brown Kona cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 EST** Solid espresso brown cotton twill by Robert Kaufman.
 ESL** Espresso brown linen. 55% linen, 45% rayon. High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 CTBR Woven shades of brown and earth-tones. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% Cotton.
 OK Solid olive green Kona cotton by Robert Kaufman.
 OL** Olive green linen. 55% linen, 45% rayon. High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 ZHR Hunter green roses on antique white. Poly/cotton.
 HVN Floral vine on hunter green squares background. Poly/cotton.
 GGR Hunter green daisy floral on lighter hunter green. Poly/cotton.
 GRR Roses and lilacs on hunter green. cotton calico.
 HK Solid hunter green kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 GRG Small hunter green floral. Poly/cotton.
 FCSG Green and winter white daisy checks. 100% Cotton Calico.
 MG2 Tossed floral on green cotton calico.
 GBR Green roses on green tonal floral. Cotton calico.
 BFG Bright floral and white polka dots on hunter green background. Cotton calico.
 PLSS Tiny 1/16" palm green and white seersucker check. Robert Kaufman Poly/cotton.
 ASK Solid ash (gray) Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 CSS** Tiny 1/16" charcoal and white seersucker check. Poly/cotton.
 QTC Light Gray Chambray dobby. 100% high-quality cotton.
 CAL** Charcoal linen. 55% linen, 45% rayon. High-quality Robert Kaufman.
 CHK Solid charcoal gray Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 MGBR Bright floral with purple violets, forget-me-nots and poppies on black. 100% Cotton calico.
 FOGG Gray tonal floral. 100% cotton calico.
 FOGL Black tonal floral. 100% cotton calico.
 RKL** Solid black fine 21 wale cotton corduroy. Robert Kaufman.
 SYT Black and very light gray windowpane plaid. High-quality Robert Kaufman cotton.
 CFL Black tonal floral. 100% Cotton calico.
 BLPS Old-fashioned gray and winter white paisley print on mottled black and etched in silver metallic. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% cotton. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
 SVPS Old-fashioned gray and black paisley print on mottled winter white background and etched in silver metallic. High-quality Robert Kaufman 100% cotton. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
 BDD Black denim with woven white dots. Robert Kaufman cotton.
 GBB Floral roses on black. 100% cotton.
 BAK Solid black Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 MUS Musical notes on winter white. Robert Kaufman 100% cotton.
 GBD Gray daisies on black. Poly/cotton.
 GUB Tiny light and medium blue floral on black. Poly/cotton.
 GDD Tiny blue daisies on black background. Poly/cotton.
 CHL Black cotton chambray. Robert Kaufman.
 RBK black and white 1/16" chambray checks. High-quality Robert Kaufman cotton.
 WK White Kona cotton. Robert Kaufman.
 WPC White poly/cotton.This is a nice wash & wear fabric, a little more substantial than most poly/cottons.
 WP White Robert Kaufman combed 100% Pima cotton. High-quality Pimatex.
 WM White cotton muslin. This is a nice light-weight fabric. 100% cotton.
 NM Natural cotton muslin. This is a nice light-weight fabric. 100% cotton.
 TM Tea-dyed muslin. This is a nice light-weight fabric. 100% cotton.
 NAK Natural Kona cotton. High-quality Robert Kaufman. 100% cotton.
 WSS** White on white seersucker checks. Poly/cotton.

Flannel Fabrics

For Nightgowns and Lounge Gowns
FBR Bright floral on blue. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFBT Small blue floral on blue. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFBD Brown birds and pink floral on white. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFDY Gray daisy floral. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFGB Honey bees on monotone gray floral. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFWC Mottled watercolor floral. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFWL Flower botanicals. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFMF Woodland flowers and mushrooms. 100% Cotton flannel.
DBRS Blue roses and rosebuds on blue. 100% Cotton flannel.
JBT Blue butterflies and dragon flies on white. 100% Cotton flannel.
JBL Monotone black and white roses floral. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
JHH Hedge hogs and flowers on gray. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
JFNT Woodland meadow life of birds, flowers and bees. 100% Cotton flannel.
JBC Honey bees and clover on white. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFWF Wild Prairie Flowers floral. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFGD White daisies on green. 100% Cotton flannel.
JBH Honey bees, wildflowers and bee hives on white. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
JFYD Yellow daisies. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFYL Yellow and purple butterflies and flowers. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFA Farm animals and flowers on blue. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
BGS White geese on water blue background. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 70% of actual size.
JDR Fawns and butterflies on light forest background. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
JDG Puppies on gray. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 50% of actual size.
JWC Welsh Corgi dogs and paw prints on lighter background. 100% Cotton flannel. Shown at approx. 70% of actual size.
FPE Pink elephants on darker pink background. 100% Cotton flannel.
FBE Blue elephants on darker blue background. 100% Cotton flannel.
FGE Gray elephants on green background. 100% Cotton flannel.
JFPG Purple and gray circles and hearts. 100% Cotton flannel.
RDZP Small white daisies on pink. 100% Cotton flannel.
RZB Small white daisies on blue. 100% Cotton flannel.
RDZL Small white daisies on purple. 100% Cotton flannel.
RDZG Small white daisies on celery green. 100% Cotton flannel.
RDZN Small white daisies on navy background. 100% Cotton flannel.
RDZB Black and gray daisy design on white background. 100% Cotton flannel.
RDZA Brown and aqua daisy design on white background. 100% Cotton flannel.
VLP Purple violets on lighter lilac background. 100% Cotton flannel.
VLW Purple violets on white background. 100% Cotton flannel.
HLRB Pink rosebuds on white. 100% Cotton flannel.
RPDF Pink daisy floral on brown. 100% Cotton flannel.
 FP Soft pink 100% cotton flannel.
 FB Soft blue 100% cotton flannel.
 FL Soft Lavender 100% cotton flannel.
 NF Natural 100% cotton flannel.
 WF White 100% cotton flannel.
NVF Solid navy blue - 100% Cotton flannel.

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