We are excited to announce that we have a brand new website with a new shopping experience for you! Please feel free to look around our new space here on the web, set up an account to keep track of your orders, and subscribe to our mailing list to be notified of new products, sales, or other special announcements! We are still updating and adding items to the website, so we ask for your patience with this process. Also please let us know if there's anything special you would like to see!
Welcome to The King's Daughters! Whether you are a returning customer, or have just found us for the first time, we want to welcome you to make yourself at home here in our online modest clothing shop!
We began our custom sewing business in 1996 and have enjoyed making many new friends and providing our customers with quality, hand-made clothing. Our custom sewing is all done with the greatest care after we receive your order, so you have the opportunity to choose the style you would like from the designs we offer, with any extra options, and your choice of fabric from our large selection of calicos, solids, linen, denim, poly-cottons, and flannels. All of our sewing is neat and orderly, and seams are finished with an overlock serger.
ORDERING SUGGESTIONS... To order from us you can use our on-line shopping cart, call in your order, or send it to us via e-mail or standard US mail. If you prefer to use our on-line shopping cart, just choose the options you'd like as you look around and add them to your cart. For on-line orders we accept credit or debit card payments.
PLEASE NOTE: If there is an option you would like that is not offered with the style you are ordering in our shopping cart, or if you are unsure on the size that would fit you best, or if you need alterations to the sizing other than lengthening or shortening, - it would be best to order by phone or e-mail. If you choose to order via e-mail or US mail, the easiest way to order is to add the items you'd like to order into the shopping cart. When you are done shopping, simply print out the shopping cart page to send to us along with your payment. We accept payment by check, money order or credit card. We would be happy to take your order with any of the above options, however we cannot start on your order without full pre-payment. Please also feel free to call or e-mail us with questions, or if something is confusing to you, or if you would like a little help with something - we are always happy to talk with you. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him!